Health is a significant source of happiness for 38% of seniors aged 65 or more. And the more we age, the more we’re concerned with our health.*

Among the many pleasures that daily life has to offer, being in good company tops the list for 60% of seniors.* * According to a 2017 Léger survey.

Recognition and Self-worth
It is important for seniors to find goals and gratifying social roles rather than face the stigmatization of ageism or marginalization.
The Luc Maurice Foundation is happy to support the mission of the Petits-Frères. Through their actions in the field, the Little Brothers aim to counter the isolation of people aged 65 and over by increasing the opportunities for socialization and, above all, through the twinning of volunteers who establish lasting friendships with the elderly. alone and often isolated.
The relationship between the Luc Maurice Foundation and the Petits Frères goes further and also includes a partnership with the Maurice Group. Thus, beyond the support offered by the Luc Maurice Foundation, the Maurice Group annually mobilizes its employees in residence as well as at the head office to prepare hundreds of surprise boxes which are offered to great friends at Christmas.
Through this partnership, which is set to grow, the Luc Maurice Foundation and the Maurice Group hope to give the Little Brothers the means to extend their services to as many people as possible and to cover an ever-growing part of Quebec. However, the needs still far outweigh the resources and that is why we plan to continue our support while encouraging other people and organizations to get involved as well.

Isolation is unfortunately a social plague in Quebec, and we will all come together to respond to it.
Le Groupe Maurice is an active participant in the major financing campaign which aims to raise $10 million for the construction and operation for the first two years of the St. Raphael Palliative Care Home and Day Centre. The home will also house the very first day centre in Montreal, which will support individuals who are in the final stages of life, and their loved ones who are providing care. To build this unique site, which will not be offering assisted dying, but rather assistance to pass from our world without suffering, our efforts will be combined with many reputed philanthropists. The ground breaking ceremony took place on October 30, 2017, and the Home should welcome its first beneficiaries in Spring 2019.

“Infusing a little colour into waning lives, that’s one of my greatest aspirations.”